carole chuffart 

  © 2024 FOR.utile | Tous droits réservés

00601 /path_teaching_education/

a r c h i t e c t u r e 

must be able to go beyond the constraints of a given location to reveal unsuspected facets and release the potential of each project. Sharing cognitive tools and different points of view helps to create new atmospheres and trigger new emotions.

like to explore each new project through the prism of the visual arts, music, landscape or even the art of cooking.

this interdisciplinary approach opens up new avenues of reflection to better respond to societal challenges and understand the transformation of the place to explore its full potential. By daring to divert and reinterpret codes, the FOR.utile team then seeks to express the spirit of the place by giving it a new identity, in tune with the times.

c a r o l e  c h u f f a r t

architect with a master from berlin's TU university, she is constantly looking for bridges between different artistic disciplines to imagine new worlds.

belgian-swiss with a european background, she developed her curiosity and enriched her expertise by working in a number of renowned architectural offices in berlin, lausanne and brussels, before settling in paris in 2003.  

working with MCMdesign, she has successfully completed a number of projects abroad, including the pacha in marrakech and hotels in portugal.

after twelve years at the head of the architectural firm CcommeC alongside carole vermont, carole chuffart is to set up her own architectural office_FOR.utile in 2019.

over the past 20 years, she has completed more than 80 architectural projects, including the complete redevelopment of numerous restaurants, shops and offices, and the renovation of private houses and flats.

whatever the challenges of reinventing a space, carole chuffart likes, in addition to her team, to surround herself with a network of artists and creative people who constantly enrich her palette of expression and push back the boundaries of the project.

a d v i c e 

carole chuffart offers support for a wide range of projects, as well as à la carte services and project management assistance.

t e a c h i n g   _  c o n f e r e n c e   _  t r a i n i n g 

carole chuffart teaches and also gives courses and lectures on her favourite subjects.

In 2019, she has been invited tò the hochschule RheinMain (HSRM) in wiesbaden on the theme die salons der republik, to take part in a workshop organised by professor holger kleine and give a lecture_entitled trans.ver - der stimmende raum.

in 2021/22, for 2 semesters, she has been invited by the same school to supervise two project workshops as a lecturer. she is proposing to students in licence 2 and 3 (bachelor) that they consider the transformation of the dalle de la défense_92, to create a culinary and cultural pavilion.
with these different programmes, the students were invited to transform the commercial and residential district into
a new dynamic of innovation and creation.

HSRM_department of interior design_informatics_media_prof. holger kleine

in berlin she was a student assistant for 2 years at the chair of architecture of matthias sauerbruch (sauerbruch & hutten).
2000 - diploma in architecture with kees christiaanse and finn geipel at the berlin university of applied sciences on
the subject of_
the architectural reception of the art of cooking.

1996 - 2000 study of architecture at the technical university (TU) of berlin
1992 - 1994 study of architecture at the federal institute of technology (ETH) in zurich


00602 /references/

00603 /network_team/

  © 2024 FOR.utile | Tous droits réservés